2021 Holy Week Schedule

Holy Week Schedule for the Catholic Parishes of Western Holt and Boyd Counties
- All Masses and Services at St. Patrick’s in O’Neill will be live streamed.
Holy Thursday
Ss. Peter and Paul, Butte at 6:00 pm
St. Boniface, Stuart at 7:00 pm
St. Patrick, O’Neill at 7:00 pm
Good Friday
ABVM, Lynch – Stations at 3:00 pm
St. Boniface, Stuart – Stations at 3:00 pm
St. Patrick, O’Neill – Living Stations at 3:00 pm (St. Mary’s 5th & 6th grade)
St. Mary, Spencer – Passion of the Lord at 6:00 pm
Ss. Peter and Paul, Butte – Lay led Stations at 6:30 pm
St. Joseph, Atkinson – Passion of the Lord at 7:00 pm
St. Patrick, O’Neill – Passion of the Lord at 7:00 pm
Holy Saturday
St. Boniface, Stuart at 8:30 pm
Ss. Peter and Paul, Butte at 8:30 pm
St. Patrick, O’Neill at 8:30 pm
Easter Sunday
St .Joseph, Atkinson at 7:00 am and 8:30 am
ABVM, Lynch at 8:30 am
St. Patrick, O’Neill at 9:00 am
St. Boniface, Stuart at 10:30 am
St. Mary’s, Spencer at 10:30 am
St. Joseph, Amelia at 11:15 am